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Author Guidelines
Types of articles
Scripta Manent welcomes previously unpublished manuscripts in the following categories:
1.1.1. Keynote speeches
These are keynote speeches delivered by invited keynote speakers at the triennial International Conferences of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers. They present the most recent trends in LSP teaching and research, and provide directions for further LSP research. Keynote speeches are typically approximately 5,000 words in length excluding tables are references.
Keynote speeches should include an abstract in English of 120-150 words in length, keywords (up to six), and an abstract in Slovene. Translations of the abstracts to Slovene will be provided for non-Slovene speakers by the Editorial Team.
1.1.2. Research articles
These present empirical research using original data, as well as replicable and verifiable research methodologies. The general structure of manuscripts should be: an introduction, a description of the theoretical framework, one or more clearly defined research question(s), a description of research methods, a description of results, and a discussion section where the practical implications of the research are clearly identified. This is followed by the acknowledgements, if any, and a full list of references. Manuscripts should be preferably about 8,000 words long, excluding figures, tables and references.
Research articles should include an abstract in English of 120-150 words in length, keywords (up to six), and an abstract in Slovene. Translations of the abstracts to Slovene will be provided for non-Slovene speakers by the Editorial Team.
1.1.3. Teaching reports
Teaching reports should draw on experience with new LSP methods, materials, means of assessment, and other areas of professional interest as well as practical applications of LSP description or analysis. Manuscripts describing carefully planned and executed experiments in the field of LSP are also welcome.
The general structure of manuscripts should be: an introduction, a presentation of the theoretical background, one or more clearly defined research question(s), correct and rigorous analysis of the research question and/or subject matter, and findings and conclusions. This is followed by the acknowledgements, if any, and a full list of references.
Teaching reports should seek to balance theory and practice by ensuring that practical descriptions relate to underlying theoretical principles and theoretical concepts to their practical applications. They should show awareness of recent work carried out in the area on which they report. They should be preferably about 4,000 words long, excluding figures, tables and references.
Teaching reports should include an abstract in English of 120-150 words in length, keywords (up to six), and an abstract in Slovene. Translations of the abstracts to Slovene for non-Slovene speakers will be provided by the Editorial Team.
1.1.4. Book reviews
Apart from relevant scholarly books and research monographs on LSP, Scripta Manent also publishes reviews of LSP coursebooks that have been published locally and should not be overlooked. Reviews should be a reliable and valuable resource for teachers and researchers.
Reviews should situate the book in its wider context of relevance, summarize the main arguments, identify the intended audience and who would find it useful, and address the reviewer’s own critical but constructive commentary.
While reviews of individual books should not exceed 1,200 words, comparative reviews of books could be up to 2,000 words in length.
While we welcome suggestions for reviews, unsolicited reviews are not encouraged.
For any queries about book reviews please contact the journal at
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor-in-Chief).
- The manuscript file is in .docx, .odt or .rtf format.
- The manuscript is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points.
- The manuscript has been anonymized for the needs of the blind peer review process.
- The manuscript has been proofread by a competent language editor.
- The APA 7.0 referencing style has been consistently used throughout the manuscript.
Copyright Notice
Scripta Manent is an open access journal of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
Open access means that all content is freely available without charge to the readers. Readers are allowed to read, download, copy, print, search, or link to the full articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative's (BOAI) definition of open access.
The Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license permits readers/users also to extract, reuse, adapt (e.g. translate), archive, mine, include in a collective work (e.g. an anthology), and distribute an article on condition they credit the author(s) appropriately, do not modify the article in such a way as to damage the author's honour or reputation, use the articles for non-commercial purposes only, and license their new adaptations or creations under identical terms (CC BY-NC-SA).
Under the terms of this license, authors retain ownership of the copyright of their articles. They will, however, assign to Scripta Manent the permanent right to electronically distribute their manuscript. After it has appeared in Scripta Manent, they may republish their articles as long as they clearly acknowledge Scripta Manent as the place of the original publication.
The detailed legal code for CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 can be found at:
There is no Article Processing Charge (APC) for authors.
All articles are immediately available on the Scripta Manent website once published.
Scripta Manent is published by the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers, Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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The names and email addresses submitted to Scripta Manent will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of Scripta Manent and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.